Sunday School & Nursery

Sunday School begins September 15 on Back to Church Sunday. Please fill out the following form to sign your child up for Sunday School. Forms are due by September 1. 

Sunday School Registration Form

Sunday School operates during the school year. After opening worship and a special lesson with Pastor Mike, children may leave worship for Sunday School. We follow a safe conduct policy with all our children's and youth programming. On Communion Sundays (First Sunday of the Month) the children remain in worship to share the sacraments with their church family.  We also have Messy Church for families once a month. Click here for more information. 

During the program year, we have some wonderful volunteers who staff our nursery. Infants through pre-K are welcome to use the nursery during worship. Please contact Kari our Christian Education Director at for more information.


2024-2025 Confirmation Classes will begin in September. Contact Pastor Mike to sign up for this year's confirmation class. 

Youth from 8th through 12th grade are invited to confirm their faith through a program of classroom discussion, attending a faith formation retreat, and mission activity. Contact Pastor Mike for more information about confirmation at

Youth Group

Each year those youth interested in participating in Youth Group have a planning meeting in September. If your child is interested in joining the youth group contact Kari Weiland at