The Interpreter

The Interpreter is the name of our monthly newsletter, and it's the best place to learn all about the latest news, events, and current happenings going on here at Saint Stephens!

Read entire issues here from our newsletter archives. Just double click on the date of the issue you're looking for and it will open a full-color PDF version of the newsletter for you.

Better yet, subscribe to the newsletter and we will happily send it directly to your email.

If you prefer to receive the newsletter via traditional postal mail, call the church office at 715.536.7322 and ask to be put on The Interpreter mailing list or simply email us with your request.

Happy reading!

Interpreter Archives

We keep the current year's issues of The Interpreter easily accessible above, but perhaps you want to go look back at something that happened in past years. Take a peek into the archives to find what you are looking for here!

  • 2021 archives

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  • 2020 ARCHIVES

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  • 2019 archives

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  • 2018 ARCHIVES

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  • 2017 ARCHIVES

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  • 2016 ARCHIVES

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  • 2015 ARCHIVES

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  • 2014 ARCHIVES

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